Meitar Moscovitz

Anti-capitalist free software developer. You can't hire me, but maybe we'll change the world together.

2015 05 21 22.07.04

I am an open source software developer and technology consultant and I work for free. Instead of owning a home, I live on the road, so that I can travel to do Good Work with Good People for the benefit of our future. I've been called the "Information Age equivalent of Johnny Appleseed." In my former life, I was a software engineer and consultant for Fortune 100 companies such as Hewlett Packard and Lehman Bros. But I hated those jobs and I wanted to make a difference in the world instead of helping bankers line their pockets, so I quit corporate America in 2007. I've been freelancing ever since. Are you trying to make a difference, too? Do you have a project that needs a skilled programmer? Are you looking to make a bigger impact through wide exposure? My projects generally make the news. Pique my interest, and I will come to you.

Where to Find Me:

virtualization  javascript  ajax  google cloud platform  mac os x  postgresql  mysql  web development  google apps script  system administration  python  tcl/expect  applescript  php  css  red hat enterprise linux  freebsd  unix  security 

Available for volunteer work