Felicia Urioste

I am a Web and Brand Designer.

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I am currently transitioning out of the military, U.S. Navy and will be moving back to NM in mid-June. I have a Bachelors in Business Administration concentration Finance, Masters in Management emphasis E-Marketing and currently working towards a Bachelors of Science Information Technology emphasis App Development. I am at my best when I am designing, learning code or anything to do with technology. I have never been so interested or passionate about anything as I am about the world of technology. I can spend hours on end creating, designing, and developing new projects in website development. It is my goal to ultimately create apps using Swift language, as I am a fanatic of iOS software. I currently design websites and create brand identities for clients and am in the process of rebranding own website. As I mentioned, I am transitioning out of the military and am looking to get into the field of technology in my home state of New Mexico.

Where to Find Me:

branding  graphic design  front-end development  web development  app development  swift  adobe suite  web design  css  html 

Available for fulltime work

Available for contract work

Available for volunteer work